Guided Spring Snow Goose Hunts – Mound City, Missouri
Guided Spring Snow Goose Hunts – Mound City, Missouri
Permit Requirement for Light-Goose Conservation Order
During the Conservation Order, Feb. 1–April 30, residents and nonresidents age 16 and older only need a Conservation Order Permit to chase, pursue and take snow, blue and Ross’s geese. This permit costs $8 for residents and $47 for nonresidents. Hunters with either a Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner Permit or a Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit do not need to purchase a Conservation Order Permit to hunt light geese during the Conservation Order.
Hunters 15 years old and younger do not need a Conservation Order Permit, but must possess a valid hunter-education certificate card or hunt in the immediate presence of a properly licensed adult 18 years old or older who is hunter-education certified or was born before January 1, 1967.
Note: A Missouri small game hunting permit, Missouri Migratory Bird Hunting Permit and Federal Duck Stamp are not required during the Conservation Order.
Squaw Creek Hunt Club & Guide Service
Scott Croner
Phone: 855-473-2875
These spring snow goose hunts are typically exciting and have good shooting action.
$175 Per Hunter / Per Day – NO membership required
Locations may include cornfields, pit blind style hunt, flooded field or pond. Decoy Spreads Available
Based on Availability – – We can provide you with a field to hunt in a prime location around the Mound City and Squaw Creek NWR area. We have several locations of prime snow goose hunting ground we lease that the members may use. Exclusive Fields Available – Additional Charge
To Join or schedule a Visit Please Call 855-473-2875 or visit
Individual Membership – $5000
Cooperate Membership Available
Blinds for Lease
Includes the Unlimited Use and Access to the Following:
Locations Included
Lodging– Completely furnished five bedroom farm house that will sleep 12, with spacious ( kitchen, dining room. living room)
Food – Breakfast, Dinner, Supper (can be provided)